Vulnerabilities (CVE)

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Total 4 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2020-28672 1 Monocms 1 Monocms 2021-01-12 9.0 HIGH 7.2 HIGH
MonoCMS Blog 1.0 is affected by incorrect access control that can lead to remote arbitrary code execution. At monofiles/category.php:27, user input can be saved to category/[foldername]/index.php causing RCE.
CVE-2020-25986 1 Monocms 1 Monocms 2020-10-13 4.3 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
A Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in MonoCMS Blog 1.0 allows attackers to change the password of a user.
CVE-2020-25987 1 Monocms 1 Monocms 2020-10-07 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
MonoCMS Blog 1.0 stores hard-coded admin hashes in the log.xml file in the source files for MonoCMS Blog. Hash type is bcrypt and hashcat mode 3200 can be used to crack the hash.
CVE-2020-25985 1 Monocms 1 Monocms 2020-10-07 5.5 MEDIUM 8.1 HIGH
MonoCMS Blog 1.0 is affected by: Arbitrary File Deletion. Any authenticated user can delete files on and off the webserver (php files can be unlinked and not deleted).