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Filtered by vendor Dadamailproject Subscribe
Total 2 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2021-41083 1 Dadamailproject 1 Dada Mail 2021-10-01 6.8 MEDIUM 8.8 HIGH
Dada Mail is a web-based e-mail list management system. In affected versions a bad actor could give someone a carefully crafted web page via email, SMS, etc, that - when visited, allows them control of the list control panel as if the bad actor was logged in themselves. This includes changing any mailing list password, as well as the Dada Mail Root Password - which could effectively shut out actual list owners of the mailing list and allow the bad actor complete and unfettered control of your mailing list. This vulnerability also affects profile logins. For this vulnerability to work, the target of the bad actor would need to be logged into the list control panel themselves. This CSRF vulnerability in Dada Mail affects all versions of Dada Mail v11.15.1 and below. Although we know of no known CSRF exploits that have happened in the wild, this vulnerability has been confirmed by our testing, and by a third party. Users are advised to update to version 11.16.0.
CVE-2008-6221 2 Dadamailproject, Joomla 2 Dada Mail Manager, Joomla 2017-09-28 7.5 HIGH N/A
PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in config.dadamail.php in the Dada Mail Manager (com_dadamail) component 2.6 for Joomla! allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the GLOBALS[mosConfig_absolute_path] parameter.