Categories (CWE)

Categories (CWE)

CWE-889 SFP Primary Cluster: Exception Management
CWE-887 SFP Primary Cluster: API
CWE-886 SFP Primary Cluster: Unused entities
CWE-885 SFP Primary Cluster: Risky Values
CWE-883 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 49 - Miscellaneous (MSC)
CWE-882 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 14 - Concurrency (CON)
CWE-881 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 13 - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
CWE-880 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 12 - Exceptions and Error Handling (ERR)
CWE-88 Improper Neutralization of Argument Delimiters in a Command ('Argument Injection')
CWE-879 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 11 - Signals (SIG)
CWE-878 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 10 - Environment (ENV)
CWE-877 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 09 - Input Output (FIO)
CWE-876 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 08 - Memory Management (MEM)
CWE-875 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 07 - Characters and Strings (STR)
CWE-874 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 06 - Arrays and the STL (ARR)
CWE-873 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 05 - Floating Point Arithmetic (FLP)
CWE-872 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 04 - Integers (INT)
CWE-871 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 03 - Expressions (EXP)
CWE-870 CERT C++ Secure Coding Section 02 - Declarations and Initialization (DCL)
CWE-87 Improper Neutralization of Alternate XSS Syntax
