Categories (CWE)

Categories (CWE)

CWE-1057 Data Access Operations Outside of Expected Data Manager Component
CWE-1056 Invokable Control Element with Variadic Parameters
CWE-1055 Multiple Inheritance from Concrete Classes
CWE-1054 Invocation of a Control Element at an Unnecessarily Deep Horizontal Layer
CWE-1053 Missing Documentation for Design
CWE-1052 Excessive Use of Hard-Coded Literals in Initialization
CWE-1051 Initialization with Hard-Coded Network Resource Configuration Data
CWE-1050 Excessive Platform Resource Consumption within a Loop
CWE-105 Struts: Form Field Without Validator
CWE-1049 Excessive Data Query Operations in a Large Data Table
CWE-1048 Invokable Control Element with Large Number of Outward Calls
CWE-1047 Modules with Circular Dependencies
CWE-1046 Creation of Immutable Text Using String Concatenation
CWE-1045 Parent Class with a Virtual Destructor and a Child Class without a Virtual Destructor
CWE-1044 Architecture with Number of Horizontal Layers Outside of Expected Range
CWE-1043 Data Element Aggregating an Excessively Large Number of Non-Primitive Elements
CWE-1042 Static Member Data Element outside of a Singleton Class Element
CWE-1041 Use of Redundant Code
CWE-104 Struts: Form Bean Does Not Extend Validation Class
CWE-1039 Automated Recognition Mechanism with Inadequate Detection or Handling of Adversarial Input Perturbations
