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Total 12 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2020-20343 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 4.3 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the index.php?g=admin&m=nav&a=add_post component that allows attackers to arbitrarily add articles in the administrator background.
CVE-2020-20344 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 3.5 LOW 5.4 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the keyword search function under the background articles module.
CVE-2020-20345 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 3.5 LOW 5.4 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the page management background which allows attackers to obtain cookies via a crafted payload entered into the search box.
CVE-2020-20347 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 3.5 LOW 5.4 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the source field under the article management module.
CVE-2020-20348 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 3.5 LOW 5.4 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the link field under the background menu management module.
CVE-2020-20349 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-09-07 3.5 LOW 5.4 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 contains a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the link address field under the background links module.
CVE-2019-8908 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2021-07-21 7.5 HIGH 9.8 CRITICAL
An issue was discovered in WTCMS 1.0. It allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code by going to the "Setting -> Mailbox configuration -> Registration email template" screen, and uploading an image file, as demonstrated by a .php filename and the "Content-Type: image/gif" header.
CVE-2019-16719 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2020-08-24 4.3 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
WTCMS 1.0 allows index.php?g=admin&m=index&a=index CSRF with resultant XSS.
CVE-2019-8909 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2019-02-19 5.0 MEDIUM 7.5 HIGH
An issue was discovered in WTCMS 1.0. It allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via crafted dimensions for the verification code image.
CVE-2019-8911 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2019-02-19 4.3 MEDIUM 6.1 MEDIUM
An issue was discovered in WTCMS 1.0. It has stored XSS via the third text box (for the website statistics code).
CVE-2019-8910 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2019-02-19 6.8 MEDIUM 8.8 HIGH
An issue was discovered in WTCMS 1.0. It allows index.php?g=admin&m=setting&a=site_post CSRF.
CVE-2018-10267 1 Wtcms Project 1 Wtcms 2018-05-25 6.8 MEDIUM 8.8 HIGH
WTCMS 1.0 has a CSRF vulnerability to add an administrator account via the index.php?admin&m=user&a=add_post URI.