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Filtered by vendor Smoothwall Subscribe
Filtered by product Schoolguardian
Total 1 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2009-0803 1 Smoothwall 3 Networkguardian, Schoolguardian, Smoothguardian 2009-06-17 5.4 MEDIUM N/A
SmoothWall SmoothGuardian, as used in SmoothWall Firewall, NetworkGuardian, and SchoolGuardian 2008, when transparent interception mode is enabled, uses the HTTP Host header to determine the remote endpoint, which allows remote attackers to bypass access controls for Flash, Java, Silverlight, and probably other technologies, and possibly communicate with restricted intranet sites, via a crafted web page that causes a client to send HTTP requests with a modified Host header.