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Filtered by vendor Jenkins Subscribe
Filtered by product Credentials Binding
Total 5 CVE
CVE Vendors Products Updated CVSS v2 CVSS v3
CVE-2022-20616 1 Jenkins 1 Credentials Binding 2022-10-17 4.0 MEDIUM 4.3 MEDIUM
Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin 1.27 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation, allowing attackers with Overall/Read access to validate if a credential ID refers to a secret file credential and whether it's a zip file.
CVE-2019-1010241 1 Jenkins 1 Credentials Binding 2020-09-30 4.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin Jenkins 1.17 is affected by: CWE-257: Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format. The impact is: Authenticated users can recover credentials. The component is: config-variables.jelly line #30 (passwordVariable). The attack vector is: Attacker creates and executes a Jenkins job.
CVE-2020-2181 1 Jenkins 1 Credentials Binding 2020-05-11 4.0 MEDIUM 6.5 MEDIUM
Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin 1.22 and earlier does not mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) secrets in the build log when the build contains no build steps.
CVE-2020-2182 1 Jenkins 1 Credentials Binding 2020-05-11 4.0 MEDIUM 4.3 MEDIUM
Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin 1.22 and earlier does not mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) secrets containing a `$` character in some circumstances.
CVE-2018-1000057 1 Jenkins 1 Credentials Binding 2019-10-02 4.0 MEDIUM 4.3 MEDIUM
Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin 1.14 and earlier masks passwords it provides to build processes in their build logs. Jenkins however transforms provided password values, e.g. replacing environment variable references, which could result in values different from but similar to configured passwords being provided to the build. Those values are not subject to masking, and could allow unauthorized users to recover the original password.